What is the differences between email and letter?explain itu!
B. inggris
What is the differences between email and letter?explain itu!
2 Jawaban
1. Jawaban alyamaharanisuyoto
what is the differences between email and letter?
apa perbedaan diantara email dan surat biasa?
surat elektronik yang dikirimkan lewat barang² elektronik dan diketik.sedangkan surat biasa ditulis tangan atau tidak menggunakan barang² elektronik.
semoga membantu.2. Jawaban HR212
=> Email has a mean as an electronic mail and can only be sent Via computers, laptops, and hp that are connected to the internet
The letter means something wriiten on paper without having to connect to the internet.
=> If we send a message via email would be faster and can be in trust.
=>If We will send email usually without charge and only need to have internet while letter if we want to send via post office will be charged and require stamp.
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