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  • Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. My greetings to the ranks of the teachers as well as compatriots peer friends, I thank you that as many as the number in the morning is already taking the time to gather and follow these events, because without the presence and support of you, I will not be speaking in front of you at this time. The Contents Of The Brief Speech Vision Mission Prospective Chairman OSIS Would be very happy if I could become the Chairman of the OSIS at the school‘s beloved. If later I was elected Chairman of the OSIS, I will give my best to the maximum of my ability. And of course, there is the vision and mission that I have to give. I have a vision of “Making JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (State the name junior high school/HIGH SCHOOL) became a quality school, overachievers, always active in all areas of positive, innovative, and mandate that all are based on faith and Taqwa to the one true God. Mission Vision speech prospective Chairman osis I also have various missions in the future if I am elected Chairman of OSIS, among others: Increase faith and devotion to God Almighty, the Lord of hosts with embody the spiritual and religious activities. Create a cadre of students who love the identity as well as maintain the good name of organization Re-creating a sense of mutual respect and respect for fellow students who have been increasingly shrinking Recreate the school environment hygiene awareness Develop talent and interest in students through the existing organizational activities
    And many more. At least the sixth mission, as well as one that vision could be the size of is it worth I serve as Chairman of the student body. If, and if later I was elected Chairman of the OSIS  , I along with the other sysop would with all my heart and everything possible will run all program activities in accordance with the vision and mission of which I have described earlier. Closing Speech Of The Vision And Mission Of Prospective Chairman Of The Student: Finally, there are still many evaluation about our vision and mission. Me and the ranks of prospective new students Executive Board will soon realize the vision and mission of the better, so that the future of this organization can be more directional in accordance with the expectations of our school. Wallaahul muwafiq ila aqwaamitthooriq, Wassalamu’alaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarokaatuh.

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