contoh pidato b inggris singkat tapi bermanfaat
B. inggris
contoh pidato b inggris singkat tapi bermanfaat
1 Jawaban
1. Jawaban cillaryy15
Good ........
Peace for us all brothers fellow countrymen. Ladies and Gentlemen. Let us praise to Jesus Christ because mercy and His grace to us, so that we can gather in this school yard in commemoration of National Education Day.
On May 2 in every year, it is commemorated as the day of National Education. As a nation of Indonesia, in conjunction with this National Education, we focused on the memory in the first founder of education fundamental of Indonesian country for the children of Indonesia, Ki Hajar Dewantara with “Taman Siswa” which he founded in past time.
At that time, the management of education by the Dutch colonial government is restricted only to certain groups, and only accordance with the bussiness of the colonial government itself. Management of education is prioritizing for children of European descent, while indigenous children, only a small proportion who can get a chance to learn.
In 1920, Ki Hajar Dewantara established a national school named Taman Siswa. In addition to acquire knowledge, education in this school is also intended to form the national psyche. Taman Siswa expects the students not only smart, but also able to be future leaders. For that purpose, in any school activity always instilled the spirit of patriotism and anti-imperialist.
Thus is pioneering of Ki Hajar Dewantara on facing stupidity era appears Indonesia to be Smart and Dignified
Education should receive serious attention from the government because Education is a very important matter, as mandated in UUD'45. Government is obliged to provide education and educate Indonesian people.The entire Indonesian nation must realize the importance of educational problems. Let us increase awareness of the importance of education together.
The synthesis of this short speech, when there are words that are less pleasing, hope all of you could forgive me
Thanks for your nice attention,