B. inggris


Yg tau Scepatny Tlong jwb Pertanyaan yg ada d'cerita tsb.
Yg tau Scepatny Tlong jwb Pertanyaan yg ada d'cerita tsb.

1 Jawaban

    1. The story is mainly talking about flood in Mr Sarkawi's village
    2. The main idea of paragraph 1 is Mr and Mrs Sarkawi were on the way home on the night of the flood
    3. When did it start to rain ? When they just left Mr Sarkawi's brother house
    4. Why was Mr and Mrs Sarkawi get tired and worried ? Because the rain poured very hard
    5. How did Mr and Mrs Sarkawi know that something was happening in their village ? When they heard the sound of kentongan from the direction of their village
    6. They waited for the truck that would take them to a safer place. The word "They" refer to everybody in that village


    1. The story is mainly talking about flood in Mr Sarkawi's village

    -> paragraf 1 - 4 menjelaskan banjir yang terjadi di desa Mr. Sarkawi akibat hujan deras terus menerus

    2. The main idea of paragraph 1 is Mr and Mrs Sarkawi were on the way home on the night of the flood

    -> ide pokok paragraf 1 adalah pada malam ketika banjir, Mr Sarkawi dan Mrs. Sarkawi dalam perjalanan pulang dari rumah saudara laki - laki

    3. When did it start to rain ? When they just left Mr Sarkawi's brother house

    -> Pada paragraf 1, baris ke-3 dijelaskan hujan mulai turun pada saat Mr Sarkawi meninggalkan rumah saudaranya

    4. Why was Mr and Mrs Sarkawi get tired and worried ? Because the rain poured very hard

    -> Pada paragraf 2, baris ke-2 dijelaskan bahwa  Mr dan Mrs Sarkawi kahwatir dan lelah akibat hujan yang turun semakin deras

    5. How did Mr and Mrs Sarkawi know that something was happening in their village ? When they heard the sound of kentongan from the direction of their village

    -> Pada paragraf 3, baris ke-2 dijelaskan bahwa  Mr dan Mrs Sarkawi tahu sesuatu yang buruk sedang terjadi ketika mereka mendengar bunyi kentongan datang dari arah desanya

    6. They waited for the truck that would take them to a safer place. The word "They" refer to everybody in that village

    -> Pada paragraf 4, baris ke-4 dijelaskan bahwa semua orang sibuk mengemas baju dan lain-lain dan menunggu truk yang akan mengantar mereka menuju tempat yang aman

    Pelajari lebih lanjut

    1. Reading comprehension https://brainly.co.id/tugas/18680911
    2. Soal dan pembahasan mengenai reading comprehension https://brainly.co.id/tugas/12473427
    3. More about recount text https://brainly.co.id/tugas/13395641


    Detil jawaban

    Kelas: SMP

    Mapel: Bahasa Inggris

    Bab: Reading text

    Kode: -
