B. inggris


kosa kata culture bhasa inggris lengkap dengan artinya

1 Jawaban

  • 1. Mission statement: Tujuan dari berdirinya museum

    The art museum doesn’t charge admission fee because their mission statement is “art is free to see”.

    2. Historian: Ahli sejarah

    My aunt is a historian in Indonesia’s reformation.

    3. Curator: Orang yang bertanggung jawab mencari barang untuk dipajang di museum

    The curator travelled all over the world to collect rare stamps for the filateli museum.

    4. Docent: Pemandu di dalam museum yang memiliki pengetahuan tentang benda di museum

    I was guided by a docent and he told me all sorts of things about the Hindu artifacts.

    5. Preservation: Proses untuk mengamankan atau mengawetkan suatu benda agar tidak mudah hancur atau rusak

    The sharks were preserved and now hanged at the shell museum.

    6. Archive: Tempat dikumpulkannya dokumen, foto, atau materi terekam mengenai suatu peristiwa sejarah untuk mencegah deteriorasi.

    All recorded footages of the late Soekarno are now collected in the National Archive.

    7. Heritage: Sejarah, ide, dan kepercayaan yang mendefinisikan suatu negara atau budaya yang sifatnya turun temurun

    Unity in diversity is a part of Indonesian heritage.

    8. Artifact: Objek yang dibuat oleh manusia, memiliki nilai budaya atau arkeologi.

    All sorts of Hindu artifacts are placed at the National Museum.

    9. Exhibit: Mempubllikasikan suatu karya atau benda bersejarah di museum atau gallery

    Andy Warhol’s portraits are currently being exhibited at the local art museum.

    10. Primary Source: Sumber utama dalam meneliti suatu sejarah

    My aunt interviewed many men that had experienced Romusha to be her primary source.

    11. Secondary Source: Sumber sekunder dalam meneliti suatu sejarah

    My aunt also read a lot of books on Japanese invasion as her secondary source.

    12. Oral History: Suatu peristiwa yang terjadi di masa lampau yang diceritakan secara verbal atau langsung (oral)

    Such stories such as Malin Kundang is a part of oral history told by our parents and teachers.

    13. Deterioration: Proses biologis penghancuran atau pelapukan suatu benda

    You can’t read the letters because it had experienced so much deterioration.

    14. Culture: Kepercayaan, adat, atau perilaku sosial dalam suatu bangsa atau suku.

    One of Apple Inc.’s cultures is to think differently.

    Mohon maaf kalau ada kesalahan

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